Games in FNaF Fan Game Central

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(The reason why there are no thumbnails yet, is because we are going to do one game at a time and @Indigo-bliet needs time to do the art for each of the games. It'll be a slow but effective progress.)

I will be making a collection instead to speed up the development progress, so you'll get more content.

Hey everyone I don’t know if I can work on my game because of finals/ mid-terms next week so we will see but follow for more updates.

If the game reaches to at least 20 followers, then I will develop a sequel. So be sure to follow

For people who most likely didn't know about this fan game of mine, be sure to follow the game page for information


Could anyone help me with my game. Code or art. Dm me on discord or ask in the comment. I really need motivation and help. Thanks!

I kinda regret restarting my game but who cares guess like I’ll have a great time! *Dies inside* 🥲

Bad news I decided to restart the game in some aspects so it might take a little bit to get back to where I was. Sorry.